Saturday, July 19, 2014

Got an owie?

I recently took a trip to Broken Bow, OK with the entire family. It is impossible to spend a weekend in the "wilderness" with our crew and NOT get any bumps or bruises. My nephew was the first to fall down on our brilliant hike in the woods off the beaten path (I love to hike, but give this girl a path!)! J-Man was pretty upset after his scrape, which actually turned out to be a splinter. It was amazing how much spraying the owie spray on him calmed him down. He even let me try to get the splinter out with tweezers, which would have never happened prior to the spray!

A few of us also forgot to apply bug spray on prior to the brilliant hike and received 100 chigger bites each as our punishment! Goodnight, I hate chiggers! We applied the owie spray to our chigger bites. It was rather nice having it in a spray bottle because there are certain places I really don't want my roller balls on everyone (you know how chiggers always find a way to the most awkward places)! Instant relief, owie spray became our best friend (every time the itch came back I reapplied)! If you've ever had chigger bites, you know it feels like a spa retreat when you get relief from that itch! I bet you wish I would just tell you how to make this stuff, right?

All you need is 7 drops of melaleuca, 7 drops of lavender and 7 drops of frankincense in a 2 oz spray bottle and then fill the rest up with fractionated coconut oil. All these ingredients have healing properties and I really felt like it sped up the healing process in addition to giving relief.

Just a side note, I always make my bottles starting with the most inexpensive ingredient first. I tend to be a little clumsy and the last thing I want to do is overflow a bottle with EOs in it!
 I hope this helps with your future owies!

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Happy oil using!-Amy

1 comment:

  1. I had lost my blend recipe. so glad you had it posted!! It does help heal fasted! Thanks, Gail
