Sunday, June 29, 2014

Journey to essential oils

I recently decided to start using essential oils to avoid exposing my son to harmful chemicals. Since February 2013, I have been pregnant or nursing which means there are very few things I can take. The first oils I bought were lavender, lemon and peppermint because I was battling wicked allergies and even Claritin was diminishing my supply. After buying the oils I discovered peppermint can sometimes diminish supply, therefore I used strictly lemon and lavender. (Thankfully, peppermint has tons of other great uses and my husband is now using the peppermint for headaches.) I began putting a drop of lemon with coconut oil and a drop of lavender with coconut oil on my chest each morning. I also like to breathe in the extra left on my hand! Since starting my oily journey I have  been able to fight off all oncoming sinus infections. I normally get a few a year!
                                      Photo:Lemon, Peppermint, Lavender and coconut oil.

Due to my positive experience I now have a family physician kit and I will write more about all the fun things I've been doing with it later.